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Thanks for taking the time to look into our site. There are so many things to consider when you are looking into a new printing company. Are they honest and stick to their word? Do they look out for my best interests? Are they efficient to maximize my printing dollars? What will the quality look like? Are they a new “pop up” printing company and do they really have the experience to offer me good advice? These are a few questions to ask when selecting a reputable printing company. An easy job can turn into a real headache without having or knowing the right information. Please consider SoCal Printing on your next printing project.
We don’t try to compete on price with the cheap, high-volume online printing companies. At least not intentionally. If you know exactly what you want and have all your specs, go ahead and shop it around online. But our highest value is when we work creatively with you to achieve your goals. Our professional knowledge and experience have actually been able to save customers hundreds or thousands of dollars because of suggestions we’ve made or ideas that had not been considered.
Get started today by submitting the form below. In addition to your contact information, give us an idea of what you would like done, including any specific requirements. If you know things like type of paper, size, single or double sided, number of colors, bleed, folds, bindery, lead time, be sure to include them. Then we’ll contact you and take it from there, giving you the best options and prices we can. You will receive a response from us within 1 business day to confirm your request. If you prefer to call, please do so at 949-683-7409. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be of service.